Cultural Events at Shirdi Sai Center
Click here for SSP 2018 Event Details
The events team at Shirdi Sai Parivaar is chartered with organizing cultural events to achieve the following objectives-
Encouraging local artists specializing in Indian classical performing arts, especially dance, vocal and instrumental
Providing children exposure to these art forms and helping them understand and appreciate their rich cultural heritage
These objectives are in line with the encouragement Sai Baba provided to artists by letting them perform in Shirdi, as documented in Shri Sai Satcharita.
The events team at Shirdi Sai Parivaar organizes several cultural events every year. The events include-
Three large scale events on days that are significant for Shirdi-
Vijaya Dashami … which is a commemoration of the day Baba entered Mahasamadhi in 1918
Temple Anniversary day around the 20th of June, the day the temple at the current location, with Baba’s grace, was inaugurated
One fundraising event which helps us expand SSP’s community outreach activities
There is no entry fee for any of the cultural events organized by Shirdi Sai Parivaar, with the exception of the fundraising event, the entry to which requires a nominally-priced ticket. During this fundraising event, SSP also provides various levels of sponsorship opportunities for businesses located in the bay area.
The events team regularly seeks new artists and schools to perform at the temple. Please refer to our website, our facebook page or our weekly email newsletters for instructions on how to sign up for these events. Our volunteers also put up a few cultural performances every year where devotees and their kids are invited to train with our talented volunteer-teachers and perform at the temple.
If you would like your school or performance group to participate in one of these events, please sign up by clicking here