Have faith and patience. Then I will be always with you wherever you are. - Sai Baba


Schedule of Community Activities & Services:

Shirdi Sai Parivaar organizes various community services, these services available on free of cost

Service NameSchedule / TimingsDescription
Notary and State/Federal Application Consultation ServiceAll NOTARY Services are Cancelled until further noticeSSP is pleased to announce the starting of Notary and State/Federal Benefit Application Consultation Service from Mar 1st 2014. As part of this activity, the following services will be provided:

Basic Notarial Service (excludes Trust/Loan & voluminous documents)
Consultation with regard to Medi-Cal/Medi-Care Applications for Senior Citizens
Service will be strictly restricted to 2 pages only.
Notary service for loan documents and OCI applications will not be provided due to the significant number of pages involved

The service will be provided by a volunteer who is a Fremont City designated community Ambassador for Seniors (CAPS). Volunteer is very well conversant with the above mentioned services and has provided the same to seniors in the Fremont Area. The volunteer will provide guidance or assistance with some of the above mentioned topics.

Provider: The service will be provided by a volunteer who is a Fremont City designated community Ambassador for Seniors (CAPS).
Power of Purity meditationSaturday 1-2pmPower of Purity is a gentle, very easy to follow, guided audio meditation, that is very simple to follow. It was received from higher realms by Guru Shri Mohanji, who is deeply connected to Shirdi Sai Baba. Thousands of people all over the world have experienced profound transformation from this meditation.

Not necessary to sit on floor, one can be comfortably seated on chair if that is preferred.
This powerful and effective meditation works to cleans our inner space.
Our inner space is made up of emotions/deep impressions that have accumulated from experiences from this and previous lifetimes. The negative ones cause stress and discomfort and also have the potential to also manifest as physical illness or disease. When we are able to release the hidden emotions we experience lightness and clarity while also moving towards physical well-being.

Pro Bono Dental Service2nd Sunday of the month from 10:00 AM – NoonDental Consultation services by qualified and board certified dental hygienist.
Reiki ServiceEvery Monday 7:00-8:00 P.M. Walk-ins welcome
Reading RoomEvery Thursday from 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM and Every Saturday from 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM.Shirdi Sai Parivaar is pleased to offer Reading room service for all devotees
Free Bio-metric and BP testing2nd Saturday of every month from 10:00 A.M. till 12:00 NoonShirdi Sai Parivaar in association with South Asian Heart Center (SAHC) is pleased to announce free BP and Biometric testing services on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 10:00 A.M. till 12:00 Noon. SAHC is a non-profit organization that is associated with El Camino Hospital. Main objective of the organization is to create awareness, conduct research, and reduce high incidence of coronary heart disease and diabetes among South Asians. Shirdi Sai Parivaar devotees can avail the services free of charge. Please note that there will be cost associated for additional follow up and testing.

Health, Nutrition Consultation ServicesEvery 3rd Sunday of the month from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PMSSP offers health and nutrition consultation services from a registered dietitian. Each consultation will be about 20min long and appointments will be given on a first come first serve basis.

Provider: Registered dietitian who currently works at El Camino Hospital.
Blanket Drive9 Nov 2017 - 8 Feb 2018SSP conducts Blanket Drive for purposes of delivering them to local shelters. Check the home page upcoming event section for more details

Please click here for further information about our next blanket drive.
Blood DriveFeb 1, 2018SSP conducts Blood Drive in association with the American Red Cross. Check the home page upcoming event section for more details

Please click here to sign up for the next blood drive.
Bone Marrow DriveJan 4, 2018SSP conducts Bone Marrow Drive, in association with the Asian American Donor Program, on a semi-annual basis. The program is conducted on a Thursday evening.

Please click here for further information about the next bone marrow drive.
On-Site CookingShirdi Sai Parivaar volunteers will be participating in an On-Site breakfast / lunch activity at the Family Supportive Housing / Adobe services. The next on-site cooking activity can be found in the upcoming events section of the home page.

Satcharita Parayan For Welfare of Devotees

Message for Devotees:

For devotees’ well-being, Satcharita Parayan is conducted on the 2nd Saturday of every month from 8:00 A.M. – 8:30 P.M.  If you would like to include your family/friends in the Parayan, please send their name (s) via email to saibandhu@shirdisaiparivaar.org. Please note that request can also be submitted via our website www.shirdisaiparivaar.org. Please go to the SatcharitaParayan sub-menu under Charity tab.  Please note that we will accept names till 11:45 P.M. the previous day. For last minute request, we would appreciate if you could make the  request in person and prior to the start of the Parayan at 8:00 A.M. Devotees are encouraged to come to the temple on the Parayan day and read chapters from Shri Sai Satcharita.

As part of the Parayan, we prepare Udhi prasad along with Baba’s pocket size picture. For repeat request, we only provide Udhi packets.  In order to seek Baba’s blessings, the above mentioned packets are placed at Baba’s feet.  As part of the Parayan sankalpam, devotee’s names are silently read, at the start and end of the Parayan. The Udhi packets are distributed after the Parayan has been completed.   If you are unable to pick up the prasad on the Parayan day, you can pick them up Thursday evening or any other day from the meditation room at Shirdi Sai Center. We will notify you if the Udhi prasad has been placed in the meditation room. If requested, SSP can also mail it to your postal address which will be kept confidential.

Please let us know if you have any questions or if you have any special requests for receiving the Udi prasad.




Access Braille Project

SSP, in conjunction Access Braille, a non-profit organization has undertaken a project to digitize 10th grade textbooks (for India) for children with visual impairment. The details of the project currently underway are provided below:

Project Details:

1) Convert 10th grade (Indian) textbooks that are in Adobe PDF to MS Word. The Word document will then be converted to either audio or digital braille, by other organizations, so that children with visual impairment can use the same to prepare for the 10th grade exams.

2) Textbooks are available online.

3) Project basically comprises of copying text from the PDF document and pasting the same in MS Word. Minor edits will be required for the title, section headings and figures.

4) Documents will be maintained on Google Doc and a control sheet will be maintained to ensure that the conversion occurs seamlessly

5) Documents will be proof read by Access Braille volunteers

6) There is no copyright issue as Government of India has lifted the ban for converting text books, for visually handicapped individuals.