The Blanket Drive will start on November 9th, 2017 and end on February 8th, 2018. A container will be placed in the lobby area of the Shirdi Sai Center for collecting new blankets. The blankets will be provided to homeless shelters in the Bay Area. We would appreciate if devotees can donate new blankets.  A container will be placed in the temple lobby for collecting the blankets.

If the container is full or you are unable to find it, we request that you give the toys or blankets to one of the volunteers at the center. If you have any questions, please  contact us (408)-909-1221 or send an email to



Shirdi Sai Center is pleased to initiate a Blanket Drive for the Winter season.

The Blanket Drive will start on November 10th and end on February 9th. A container will be placed in the lobby area of the Shirdi Sai Center for collecting new blankets. The blankets will be provided to homeless shelters in the Bay Area. We would appreciate if devotees can donate new blankets.  A container will be placed in the temple lobby for collecting the blankets.

If the container is full or you are unable to find it, we request that you give the toys or blankets to one of the volunteers at the center. If you have any questions, please  contact us @ (408) 705-7904 or send an email to


Blanket Drive:

From November to February, Shirdi Sai Parivaar conducts a blanket drive for the local homeless shelter.  Between November 2012 and February 2013, with the support from our devotees and volunteers, SSP collected about 175 blankets. These were provided to the EHC LifeBuilder homeless shelter in Sunnyvale.

Blanket Donated by Devotees

Blanket Donated by Devotees


Blanket Bins

Blanket Bins