Have faith and patience. Then I will be always with you wherever you are. - Sai Baba

Toy Drive

2019 Toy & Blanket Drive

Sairam! Shirdi Sai Center has concluded its Toy and Blanket Drive successfully for 2019-2020 year.

The Toy Drive conducted in association with the Gift Giving Tree Program ended on December 15th. The toys received will be provided to the Family Giving Tree and the Milpitas Fire Department.

The Blanket Drive ended on February 8th, 2020.

2017 Toy Drive

The 2017 Toy Drive was started on Nov 9. We had excellent participation from our devotees. We have collected 148 toys this year. The toy drive has been closed as of Dec 20. We thank all the devotees who have participated.

2016 Toy Drive

The 2016 Toy & Blanket drive had excellent participation from our devotees and concluded. Thanks to all the devotees who participated.


2015 Toy Drive

Last November, we had initiated a Toy Drive for underprivileged children. The drive was conducted as part of the Gift Giving Tree Program conducted by Family Giving Tree.  We would like to thank all devotees who participated in the drive. As part of the drive, we were able to donate 135 toys to Family Giving Tree.  Approximately, 20 toys were donated to the toy drive conducted by Milpitas Fire Department.  Shirdi Sai Parivaar contributed about $500 towards the toy drive.


2014 Toy Drive 

  • Toy & school back packs drive: SSP delivered 235 toys & school back packs/supplies to Family Giving Tree
  • As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations, SSP also contributed $500 for toy  drive


2013 Toy / Blanket Drive 

November 2013, Shirdi Sai Parivaar had initiated “Toy and Blanket drive” for the benefit of underprivileged members of our community.  For the Toy drive, our initial target was to collect 100 toys (we placed 100 gift tags on the tree in our lobby) and donate it to Family Giving organization. Thanks to overwhelming response from our devotees, we received about 150 toys. The tagged toys were delivered to the Gift Giving tree program (Family Giving Organization) on Friday, December 13th. The toys that were un-tagged were provided to the Milpitas Fire Department Toy drive program on December 16th. Please note that Milpitas Fire Department conducts annual holiday gift distribution to underprivileged, and the toys that you donated will serve that program in a big way. The “Blanket drive” has been a continued success for years in a row now. For this year, we were able to collect and donate about 75+ blankets in less than 6 weeks. These blankets have been delivered to homeless shelters in Sunnyvale, Newark and San Jose. Shirdi Sai Parivaar would like to thank devotees for making these community programs a great success. Please note that the “Toy drive” is now closed for the year, but the “Blanket drive” is open till February 15th 2014.

Between October and November, Shirdi Sai Parivaar conducts “Toy Drive” for the underprivileged kids.  In 2012 and 2013 Shirdi Sai Parivaar contributed nearly $250 worth of toys to the Toy Program organized by the Milpitas Fire Department (MFD).  As part of this program, MFD provides toys to less fortunate and underprivileged children for Christmas.